The Work


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The Work is the ’Way of Understanding’! This house might assist you in that effort. Where you would habitually react or turn your back and move away, here you have the opportunity, and necessity, to face up to all kinds of things.
What is the issue? Knowing who and what ‘I am’, no? That’s a real piece of work and requires conscious effort. It will not happen by itself - experience must be awared consciously!


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Behind Observing I - is Real I.
And, behind Real I - is Master.
And, behind Master - is God.
All these truths are clearly defined in the Work and not left hanging in the air like most of the esoteric fragments that are drifting around the world these days - vague religious, hippie or drug induced concepts of ’God’. It seems like everybody likes talking about God! The Work is very practical - maybe you can remember that.

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The truth of the matter is that every human being on this planet is your brother and sister, child of the One Creative Force called God. And the DIVISIONS are petty, blind, sleeping illusion. If you cannot break through that with each other, then put the ’flag’ down. Can you see that in each other – each one carrying the flag of the Work? Sometimes even putting words to it? It IS deeply important, deeply valued by you, a LIFELINE it sometimes seems. Do you see that? Do you see it in other people? Can you relate to it? Are you going to continue to live in a ’me and mine’ package, with everybody else being turned into a second class citizen? Do you want to make each other second class citizens? If you want to, then put the flag down.

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We can not tolerate the fact that, in the ‘now’, we’re nobody. To be ‘somebody’ you have to remember who you were and who you’regoing to be! You’re in a picture, in a movie. What you ‘are’, is now! Work is about re-member-ing that Self, behind the images that the imagination cooks up in its complex ways.

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Love, in its fullness, demands complete self-abnegation. It abolishes all labels - including the religious one. 
In Love, there is the clear Realization of being a Child of the Universe/God. 'Son of God', if you like.
Yes, the Man said: 'I AM ... the first fruits'.
Between Guilt (well founded) and Love comes a not so simple thing called 'The Work'.

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Here is where it gets really serious. The Work says: ’Life cannot be explained in terms of itself’! What does that mean? If you look at the average person’s life, with a long enough view, it doesn’t make any sense at all. People think, calculate, struggle, move, build, ’grow’ children, start countries, fight wars - all within so much pain and confusion!
Those struggles for comfort and safety simply don’t go anywhere. Happiness and satisfaction cannot flower at that ’level of being’ - lived without any reference to what is ’larger than life’!

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All real Work demands observation, non-identification and re-membering. To slowly separate That which is Really You, from what you 'think' you are. To re-locate yourself, to go Home, to Remember Your Self. That is what Work is about.

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To the degree that you can work together, you might receive help. The Universe is waiting to help you, if you would just open to IT. To the degree that you can work together, you would ’call-up’ help. And God knows you need it. Everything in this Universe is ready to feed every other piece that has a common interest. If you care for the Whole, the Whole cares for you. If you don’t care for the Whole, the Whole doesn’t give a shit for you.

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There is no alternative to self-initiated soul work.

My poem covers it:

You can not do for another person
what he must do for himself

(That part’s clear, been clear for a long time, and then the second part comes)

’that doesn’t mean at all my friend
that there’s no such thing as help.’

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In 'my book' what is good is what is effective. It's not necessarily, or likely to be, 'appreciated'. It could be appreciated, but basically its only serious value is that it's effective - that is, it makes a difference that is more than just momentary. A real difference, and not merely some 'nice' thing that we or other people 'like'. We're not into compromise. This is one of the hardest things to understand. The Work is not an 'accommodation to life'. Heaven is NOT a rearrangement of hell - it's outof it!

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